Invest in your hair-free self.
Pre - Treatment
This is one of the most important steps while you are receiving electrolysis treatments. Hydrate! We need enough saline in your follicles to make the heat or chemical reaction destroy the cells that make your hair grow. Making sure you are hydrated will ensure that there is an easy release of the hair.
If we can’t see the hair, we can’t treat it. We understand that letting your hair grow can be inconvenient but, in between sessions, you can shave or trim your hair. Don’t pluck, tweeze, or wax as this will stimulate new hair growth. Before your session give us at least 2-3 days of hair growth depending on how fast your hair grows. We need just enough length to grab that hair with our tweezer .
Stay out of direct sunlight and U.V. light for at least the first 72 hours before and after your treatments and avoid putting sunscreen on your skin during that time. Your pores are open and we don’t want you to possibly introduce any bacteria in your skin from the sunscreen.
During your electrolysis treatments avoid caffeine and sugar the day of your appointment. These items can make you more sensitive to the treatment.
Consuming alcoholic beverages can cause you to become dehydrated. We need you to be hydrated to have a successful treatment. Being hydrated can also help with pain.
24 hours before your appointment you may use a light gentle exfoliant to open up your pores and hopefully scrub away dead skin cells or skin products that may be blocking your pores.
Discontinue use of Accutane for at least 6 months prior to treatment. Physician’s note required.
We want to make the most of your time. Please remove all makeup before coming in for your session.
Numbing creams can be used beforehand to help you get through sensitive treatment areas such as the upper lip or any area for that matter if your pain tolerance is low. If you are on your menstrual cycle which is known to make you more sensitive to pain; numbing cream may be very helpful. Buy an over-the-counter cream or ask your physician for a prescription. Follow the directions as they are labeled.
Taking a pain relief tablet can help, use it as the label instructs. No medication is administered at my office.
Avoid Retinol, Glycolic acid, and any other harsh skincare products one week before your appointment.
Post - Treatment
Hands off! The first thing you will want to do is to feel how smooth your skin is, but you must resist this temptation. You can introduce bacteria into your skin which can cause breakouts and infections .
You must let your skin rest and heal itself. Small scabs may form a couple of days post-treatment, but do not pick them. They will fall off within a few days.
It is important to stay out of the sun both before and after treatment. The sun can encourage hyperpigmentation and other skin damage.
Cleanse your skin with a fragrance-free, gentle cleanser.
It is important that you only use Aloe Vera, Witch Hazel, or specially-made electrolysis after-treatment creams/gels (which we have in stock) on your skin 48 hrs. post-treatment.
Redness and swelling are normal post-treatment reactions. A cold compress can help relieve these reactions.
Avoid makeup and heavy creams at least 48 hrs. post-treatment to reduce the risk of infection or breakouts.
Do not exfoliate with physical or chemical exfoliants after treatment. Wait until the skin is back to normal.
Avoid exercising, saunas, steamy showers, and anything that might make you sweat for at least 24 hours after your treatment. Sweating may introduce bacteria into your freshly open pores.